Aug 21


Climate change is having a significant impact on businesses, society, and individuals. It is increasingly understood that a shift towards a low-carbon economy is needed. The building and construction sector plays a central role in this shift. The sector’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions account for approximately 40% of global GHG emissions. The major contributors to these emissions are the materials used as well as the heating, cooling, and lighting of buildings and infrastructure.

For example, around 80% of UK buildings that will be occupied in 2050 have already been built. Long-term adaptation strategies are therefore necessary to ensure that buildings and the built environment are resilient to future climate impacts.

For high performance buildings an early exercise with Building Performance Simulation by Energy Modelling enables the evaluation of numerous solutions to explore these parameters:

  • Low embodied energy with environmental appropriate materials
  • Lower costs with selection of new materials and technologies
  • Hybrid solutions
  • On-site generation and energy storage systems
  • Level of disruption to occupants

These are just some of the factors and this process starts with simple modelling.

Building professionals including Architects will generally require a visual 3D model at an early stage.

 The Greenspace Live gModeller based on Trimble Sketchup enables an early exercise in Energy Modelling and energy analysis engine gEnergy enables full dynamic simulation to optimise solutions and address the emergency.

Nov 19

gModeller 2.2.8

gModeller 2.2.8 has been released. This now allows painting of materials within groups in SketchUp, and fixes an issue where materials painted with the color picker weren’t always detected in the Mac OS version. Also, a button to remove all spaces was added to the building details tab.

Download at:


Jun 19

gModeller – Une version Française du tutoriel

Pour satisfaire au mieux nos clients francophone nous avons mis en ligne le tutoriel de l’extension gModeller en langue Française.

Notre plugin gModeller pour Trimble SketchUp, compatible avec Windows and Mac OSX, permet de générer des fichiers gbXML et EnergyPlus qui contiennent les informations nécessaires à une modélisation énergétique. gModeller est facile à utiliser et compatible avec la plupart des systèmes d’énergie et de modélisation.

Il simplifie le processus de modélisation afin de réaliser une analyse énergétique précise et de simuler différents scénarios d’utilisation du bâtiment modélisé.

Désormais le tutoriel, jusque-là disponible uniquement en Anglais, est aujourd’hui téléchargeable en Français.

Ce tutoriel vous permettra de comprendre les principes de bases de gModeller, de vous familiarisez avec le logiciel et de créer vos premières maquettes 3D convertible en gbXML.

May 19

Climate Change

To reduce emissions in the built environment to demanding levels requires both conversation measures and low carbon heating/cooling sources.

This requires deep renovation of buildings and higher rates of renovation.

For high performance buildings an early exercise with Building Performance Simulation by Energy Modelling enables the evaluation of numerous solutions to explore some example parameters:

  • Low embodied energy with environmental appropriate materials
  • Lower costs with selection of new materials and technologies
  • Hybrid solutions
  • On-site generation and energy storage systems
  • Level of disruption to occupants

These are just some of the factors and this process starts with simple modelling.

Building professionals including Architects will generally require a visual 3D model at an early stage.

The GreenspaceLive gModeller based on Trimble Sketchup enables an early exercise in Energy Modelling. The energy analysis engine gEnergy enables full dynamic simulation.

Feb 19

gModeller 2.2.6 Released

gModeller 2.2.6 is now released, with new features.

We’ve added some construction and window type placeholders to the custom rename dialog. This is accessible from the extensions menu and allows renaming of spaces, surfaces, and openings to match a custom pattern.

Enter the names for each space, surface, and opening. Then any placeholders will be replaced with each value for that item. This allows the identifiers to match different conventions and gives some organization to them, helping to improve your workflow.

Download now at: gModeller-2.2.6.rbz

Jan 19

gModeller 2.2.5 Released

We have released a new version of gModeller. This includes some performance improvements for when models have a large number of surfaces or spaces.

Download now at:


Nov 18

Interoperability with Other Software

Lesosai is a software for the certification and thermal balance calculation of buildings containing one or more heated or cooled zones. Simple and effective, the monitors adapt the required information to the needs of the chosen standard or label. It is designed primarily for building engineers, HVAC engineers and architects.

The software can be used in the following languages: French, German, Italian and English. It can use many calculation methods, which can be selected one after another.

Lesosai allows the calculation of environmental impacts of the energy consumption, considering the energy used in the building, but also the building’s construction materials (Life Cycle Impacts Analysis / Environmental Assessment). This calculation is based on a building life cycle approach and uses the list of impacts maintained by KBOB (extracted from the Eco Invent database), and the methodology conforming to Swiss Standard SIA2032 (Life Cycle Impacts Analysis complete with ECO+® module).

Compatible BEM (Building Energy Modelling) via the gbxml format.

gModeller by GSL enables the export and import of gbxml models.

gModeller v2.2.4 now has greatly improved performance particularly on MacOS.

Aug 18

IFC models to gModeller

We have now enabled the latest version of gModeller V2.2.4 to import IFC models with geometrical data via Sketchup Pro.

IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) is about sharing information across software applications and interoperability is a key enabler.

IFC is a data model that is used to describe building data and geometry across building disciplines and across phases of the building life cycle. IFC is both a de-facto standard and an ISO standard. The format is open and has wide industry support. It is a common requirement for BIM interoperability and most of the tools in use in your design and construction projects already support exporting/ importing the format.

The integrated BIM approach also enables the ability to access numerous global software tools.

gModeller gives the ability to produce an idf file format for full dynamic simulation with gEnergy analysis.

Other file formats such as nct for SBEM certification is also available from gModeller.

Download gModeller: gModeller-2.2.4.rbz

Jan 18

Generate EPCs from gModeller

Our customers asked to go directly from gModeller Sketchup to SBEM – now you can!

With the approval bodies requiring tabulated geometric data you can now do that action automatically from your model!

So generate your EPC building model from gModeller.

Dec 17

Custom surface naming in gModeller

Space, surfaces, and openings can now be renamed using a custom naming scheme.

By choosing ‘Custom Rename…’ from the extensions menu, you can enter the new names containing placeholders, for example:

	Spaces: sp-[spaceIndex]
	Surfaces: su-[surfaceIndex]
	Openings: op-[openingIndex]

The placeholders you can currently use are:
